Sister Madonna Buder, known as the “Iron Nun,” is an American Roman Catholic nun and an extraordinary athlete who has inspired many with her sports achievements, especially in triathlons. Born in 1930, she began running at age 48 and soon expanded her passion to triathlons. At 52, she completed her first Ironman Triathlon, which involves a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride, and a 42.2km marathon. Over her career, she has completed over 400 triathlons, including 45 Ironman competitions.


In 2012, at 82, she became the oldest woman to ever finish an Ironman. Sister Madonna has consistently shattered age-related barriers, demonstrating that age is no limitation to physical achievement. Her resilience, faith, and positive spirit serve as an inspiration to athletes and non-athletes alike, motivating people to push past their limits, no matter their age.